Don Morrison’s 16th album, Dirt, is something a bit different from him. Stripped back and raw, featuring his voice, guitar and harmonica and nothing else. He even made the guitars himself!
The songs are all composed by Don and feature blues, folk, country and even a bit of rock. Can you play rock with just an acoustic guitar (albeit a Donmo metal bodied resonator guitar)? Have a listen and then you’ll have to say Yes!

After nearly 9 months of tracking down old stuff, mastering, recording, making and changing lists of songs, technical blunders, forgetting that I’d already done that thing last week that I did again today and Covid delays, my new CD – “40×40” has finally arrived.
Forty songs from forty years in music. It’s double CD with songs going back to the Bodgies, The Ghetto Blasters, The Fortunate Sons, The Elmores, The Lonely Cosmonauts, Prawnhead, Raging Thirst and solo songs.
Some never before released, a few brand new and some re-recorded. A six panel fold out wallet designed by Courtney Robb with booklet notes by best selling author Stuart Coupe and also some kind words from James Black.
My biggest project and I’m very proud of it!

“One of THE finest songwriters this country has produced” – Stuart Coupe

Custom made galvo sleeve made from offcuts left from my guitar making.
For a mail order ($28AU or $55 with a custom metal sleeve), contact Don at